Gamer Gate 2.0

A better question would be, since people still hold on to the rotting corpse of gamergate, why start another one?
To feel like they've accomplished something even though nothing is going to work until people stop buying the bullshit to the point another Crash of '83 happens
To feel like they've accomplished something even though nothing is going to work until people stop buying the bullshit to the point another Crash of '83 happens
Yeah, why not at this point? Disregarding my pessimism from the falling of the 1.0, perhaps GamerGate 2: Elektric Boogaloo will be better.
"If Gamergate meant anything to you... you're a cunt and should FOAD"
I believe TotalBiscuit beat you to the punch on this one. If you want to get your point across these days, a picture of the gunt's gunt with a red arrow pointing to the belt line fold stating "You are here" would be more effective.