
Peter Szymanski

Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is essentially a neo-kiwifarms/onionfarms/metokur site, right? Is there an onion link and if not, should there not be? I also don't like jscript because it is cumbersome and invasive. Given that this site is clearly lower-maintenance than say, facebook or twitter, shouldn't there be an option to allow a user-friendly experience without it? Not looking to whine, but we all know about big brother's machinations.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is essentially a neo-kiwifarms/onionfarms/metokur site, right? Is there an onion link and if not, should there not be? I also don't like jscript because it is cumbersome and invasive. Given that this site is clearly lower-maintenance than say, facebook or twitter, shouldn't there be an option to allow a user-friendly experience without it? Not looking to whine, but we all know about big brother's machinations.
Keep in mind I'm retarded ok? lol fr I'm a shitposter and if you buy XF it literally builds the site for you so I didn't design this site. I got no idea what an onion link is and if the site is not user friendly you'll have to be specific. Sorry I got to this so late, I got married to my now husband and we were moving and everything so I kinda dropped off.
Keep in mind I'm retarded ok? lol fr I'm a shitposter and if you buy XF it literally builds the site for you so I didn't design this site. I got no idea what an onion link is and if the site is not user friendly you'll have to be specific. Sorry I got to this so late, I got married to my now husband and we were moving and everything so I kinda dropped off.
I'd say moving and getting on with your life is more important than this site Maya. lol
I'd say moving and getting on with your life is more important than this site Maya. lol
Bet. I finished with that though and as much as I do kinda make sure things IRL are good I do consider this place a responsibility lol if its like not working as well as it could to be funner then LMK how I can fix it or like what features you all want and I'll work to add them. I been looking into addons on the official XF site that say they add this and that. I'd like to add stuff but honestly I'm afraid I'll break the entire site LOL I literally did that before and had to delete and remake everything. Thats how much I suck :')