Not so good movies...

I recently discovered this film by complete accident and this is something worthy of Mystery Science Theater 3000.

This is a modern film that is so bad that it ends up being good.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you D.E.B.S.


Now despite the immediate thoughts of misogyny due to the fact that it is about sexy lesbian spies in school-girls outfits, I must inform you that this was not only made by a woman but a """"(((Married)))""" lesbian woman at that.

First thing to know about this film, it bombed (wow what a shock)


Second point of interest, this film has so much fucking padding despite the fact that it is only 91 minutes long. It's so bad that they actually inserted the trailer in the beginning of the film to get it over that 90 minute hump. They had to resort to that.

Thirdly, this film has the great Michael Clarke Duncan in it and oh man did he probably kill his agent after this.

Finally, I first found this movie on some sketchy ass streaming service on my T.V. which name started with an X but it was not a pornography streaming service (shocking with content like this). Then, the service itself is so bootleg that it skips by 50 seconds instead of maybe 15 or 30 seconds. When I had finished watching this dumpster fire, I tried to click off it and my T.V. froze for 10 minutes.

Here is the link if any of you want to see this 2003 work of art

Look into movies that are made to intentionally flop. These "b-movie"-types are codas for the actual International Fake&Gay Agenda. A good example of this is Run Ronnie Run, that one time that the showrunners for Mr.Show accidentally made something a little too based. Mr.Show was a little too based too, which is why they all feel "pressed". Coupon - the Movie was MANDATORY FUN! for the whole cast and crew! Is that a joke? If you want a joke, watch Mr. Show's liberal shit ass take on Ruby Ridge.
Ask yourself; why are these people famous/infamous? Etc. Qui bono!??