Welcome new peeps

Poast says it's down for maintenance so figured I'd welcome the new users. Remember to post wherever you can that Keffals is Reiko.

Other than that just have fun, post whatever you want so long as it's not like illegal or porn ofc and if you have suggestions feel free to use that forum. I do read them and most have been added.
Kefka, God of Magic is me
Keffals is a man
Know the difference newfags.
Please visit my thread on Onionfarms where de-trans nazi Michael Thurlow known as Zero there, reads this post and puts effort into making me laugh, they are my biggest fan site and follow me around everywhere like the true e-celebrity I am.
B-Rank E Celeb, all I ever dreamed of and more~!​
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And yes it's all part of the plan to make you look silly Empresa, bravo you chasing bastard, I still have the DMs of you drunk flirting with me you fat ovaltine mexican whore.
Welcome people directed here from twitter and other spaces, please plan anything you don't want found out in DMs but otherwise use the forum to stage any operations against Keffals and Kiwifarms to help wrap this saga up so I can go back to posting about cows.
You seem famous, congratulations on that. And i wish you well on your endeavors.
If people know me they're a cow themselves, the point of gayopping is to have a useful idiot take the heat ala what I did with Kefflas just now as I used Josh leaving a backend to his css to my advantage and erased his forum just now by making my lurker account into an admin.