Will I ever get to cyberpunk heaven?


New member
I live in a LFE prison. A cyber-african runs my prison. In prison the cyber-african tries to torment me. We can take away his knives by unlinking life, from systemspace. In about 2018, I transgressed by fantasizing about the khagy, tsukirep. He looks like a polish femboy! In 2015, in my mother's basement, I fucked my tulpa by doing a heroic dose of whit widow caps, it kind of sucked. In 2015 I tried to get a gf. From 2018-2023, I fantasized about leading an army of khans like fallout, of hyaks and turboafricans? that was dumb because they're niggers. In 2023, I got banned from meme cult discord of several years of faggotry and gay-ops. In high school, in the computer lab, I used to work on shitty proboards / vbulletin forums running a cabal of ROM hackers. In 2018, I betrayed Tsuki Project, by participating in gay-ops in an anti-project server. -- two problems. During unlink, I killed tsukirep on purpose with my car. :) In 2014, when I started noticing things, GoonerGate started. I started to shitpost more obnoxiously because I thought that was being professional. In 2015, when I was about to cum, my tulpa, Tsuki, put me in a psych ward. In 2018, after several years being admitted to the psyche ward due to doing copious amounts of drugs, A troon raped me after finally moving out of my parent's basement. Dr. Ofasu had an oddly thug ass. Snoop from systemspace had a oddly thug ass. Distracting? After 5 years of trolling and being gaslit, Eric B. Wise and I touched disks to each other's assholes.
