Elaine April Gertler Miller / Trollcow

Uncooked Pasta

New member
Power User


BPD thot , attention whore, faildoxer, pathological liar, leet hacker, discord poweruser, cokehead, CP spammer, annoyance to the internet.​


Elaine Gertler Miller is a 20 year old aspiring model & commodity trader who resides in London. A tory who flaunts her family’s (questionable) wealth on social media and brags about attending Westminster School, an expensive and prestigious London boarding school. Elaine is a self proclaimed “hacktivist” who is on a mission to cancel cancel culture after clips from a livestream were posted on twitter in which Elaine says she wanted to nuke Chinatown. There’s little information on Elaine before May 2020. She says she was a “controversial internet troll” previous to all her online activity disappearing. Elaine says her parents use their wealth and influence to have hackers & police remove photos and videos of her after the Chinatown incident. Elaine flip flops between having a friend who died from online bullying to herself being the target and bullied until she attempted suicide. She also believes anyone who talks about her, shares info from her public social media accounts or shares DMs have broken British terrorism statutes. She uses multiple alt accounts & sock accounts to threaten people with hacking, criminal prosecution and legal action but always ends up outing herself because she can’t stand not being the center of attention. Even though her whole schtick is canceling cancel culture, Elaine tries to cancel lots of things, including but not limited to this site, kiwifarm (she refers to KF as kiwi leaks), Josh Moon/Null, Britton Bully Club, Diane Awesomelaser, Chinatown & pollution. [a]

Her brief political career as a TORY and her trademark boiler hat that she switches for a beanie later on.
She used to present herself as a rich kid on social media and flexes her designer drip, but her shit is fake. She even fabricates a tale that she has a family helicopter ..

Going to the extent of pretending to be related to Dan gertler a diamond dealer [ the israeli diamond exchange]

>Elaine Miller? never heard of her...
Now she larps as a 1337 H4CK3R, ddos-ing all the sites that mention her name, when in reality she just files complaints to domain hosts.


The Duality of Elaine | posts gore , complain about CP
get the clip later

Her parents are actually modest boomer architects. the patriarch of the Gertler-Miller family; Simon Miller. If you're to look into him for a second, it's obvious where some of Elaine's lulzy qualities come from. To his business colleagues, Simon Miller may just be another competent designer, but those who have read his blog know him as a more complex character.
By day he is a mere architect, but by daybreak, he is the Architect on a Scooter.e348b46f59d4243d8b200dd3e781be87fe86eb38.png
Simon's retarded video is higher quality and more of a cash money flex than all of Elaine's attempts to show off that she's a rich kid influencer. Plus you have to wonder if her delusions of being an Anonymous hacktivist were inspired by her dad's own larp as Marlon Brando with a level. 🛵

his Twitter handle is 'AoaScooter'. If you're to visit simonmillerarchitects.com/scooter/, you'll also see this weird blank verse poem he's composed called The Munchies, which is just one in a series of poorly written blogposts he's got up.
Elaine Miller just contacted me via my hosting email address and my personal email address. She also called twice from +44 20 8731 8876.

She ends up with 2 threads.[ email response + lolcow thread ] on top of the one she was originally trying to take down on [snow] . Null even emailed her parents as her persistance grew.
She's wiped most of her Instagram but still posts stories of her complaining about Null. She thinks Kiwi Farms and the other farms are owned by the same nazi-loving, small hat-hating Pillsbury Dough Boy.


Simon looking up Elaine's thread...


>who's Ines? what this I hear about a gayop?

>dont worry daddy I have it all under control

Before she recruited her army of loyalists simps


29 April 2002
London, UK
wow what a banger , no idea what happened to the thread I made but im glad its back here .