Nick going to Mersh out?

Has it escaped everyone's attention that this is exactly what the DMCA thing was about?
Your going on a list buddy...
They have just managed to sink lower than mersh.

Baked is doing a stream where he is getting someone to apologize to Nick for a mean tweet that they liked(not even made) or else...

The absolute fealty nessesary to be a "AF Cappo" is absurd.

Which is why I find this so fun, it's a ticking time bomb. Nick needs his balls licked by everyone on the platform, and Ralph is not exactly the most loyal person around.
I hope that the Nick and Gunt drama lama keeps running for awhile. I hope it runs directly into the 2022 Rioting season. Not gonna' lie I really want to watch Nick and Ralph have a meet up IRL to film coverage and then get their shit stomped in by antifa troons would be the chef's kiss of both arcs. Multiple camera angles of Gunty Kang and his pet catboi getting BTFO'd by those creatures.