On the part of Habermann, let's just gather around his words (probably) in these autistic times.

"So what if our twitters were dilated like @Dr_Barlos, @ItsJustMayaC, and @Guts? So what if Jim's cousin's brother's friend's thrice-removed uncle's wife's boyfriend's sister's dad's Twitter was removed? So what if Kiwifarm's service provider dropped out due to the threat of Keffal's Squad of Airborne Dilators? I hope you all realize this isn't the end and will never be the end of ops or autism speaking. You listen to me, cunts. When autism speaks, we will listen, no matter whether the Twitter accounts are banned, the websites are gutted, the discords are destroyed, or the hours of wasted time spent on this attention seeker and his sycophants.
You signed up for this, and you better be getting a laugh out of all of this.
A storm is brewing; you damn better damn believe we'll be in the gathering storm like our Weatherman Jim does every day, who's now absent due to his turbo-aids.
Just because I'm dead, doesn't mean the Ops within me did as well. Death is temporary, comrades. The Ops are eternal." ~ Habermann probably.