Rules: Lets Be Real

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Staff member
Power User
I'm not writing some insanely long post with a billion and one words. You all know Kiwi Farms, you should know WHY that Josh is on his 50th provider and blocked all over the world.

I don't feel the need or interest in blocking anyone. Anyone who knows my chat knows I let it go any way you want. Here however I just ask you all to exercise good reasoning and be clever. I know my audience of edgelords and I know you all want to go wild but I can't allow slurs, gore, porn, copywrite stuff, and doxing stuff to be posted. Doing so risks the forums and I am NOT like josh. I am a waggie who is doing this for a laugh. If the forum gets destroyed then it's gone. I won't relaunch.

If its sensitive info then feel free to LINK it to the forum but do NOT post it directly into here. Let others take the hit. Don't bring the hammer down on me. If the site could make some money for me or something then I'd be interested in being more of an advocate for people to say whatever but as it stands this is a troll forum for my enjoyment and will be a loss year over year.

-Maya (Metokur Fembot)
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