Spy X Family


There is this anime that I enjoy called Spy X Family. The show is actually pretty close to a fun Saturday morning cartoon and the show is very much a fun innocent wacky spy adventure and I recommend that everyone take a look at it if they like want something light-hearted.

The show is about Loid who is the best spy in the business who needs to go undercover so he has to pull a "We're the Millers" where he then adopts a child named Anya who is an Esper. Loid and Anya meet Yor (best waifu) who is the best assassin in the country and through a series of comedically over the top series of events they both agree to pretend to be married. Loid then has to deal with avoiding suspicion with his new family, complete his main mission whilst doing all of his agencies dirty work, a new brother in law who is an officer with the secret police (my personal favority), and a precognitive dog and you have a whole lot of fun.

We're the Forgers (if anyone asks)





Loid Forger


Yor Forger


Anya Forger and Bond


Yuri Brair


Now let me start off with the immediate problem I have with the anime but more specifically the weeb community and that is the character of Anya. Anya is the most realistic children I have ever seen in fiction and this is an an anime and I would say 1 in a number that is less than 25 members of the weeb community is a pedophile. You don't have to even look to know it is occurring and widespread (I sure as fuck ain't touching any of that shit my nigga), you don't even have to think about what is occurring. Without any exaggerations I am sickened as to what is occurring and I cant wait to real life post when society collapses.

But all of that aside its a family friendly anime everyone will love so go ahead and give it a watch. The shows strength is definitely within the layers of deceit that then play into the characters interactions because Loid can't see the forest from the trees whilst being incredibly busy with the spying, Yor is just not smart enough to pick up anything suspicious and is too busy hiding her own profession, Anya is a kid and doesn't get what's going on other than its exciting and she's bored, Yuri is a moron, and bond is lazy.
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There is this anime that I enjoy called Spy X Family. The show is actually pretty close to a fun Saturday morning cartoon and the show is very much a fun innocent wacky spy adventure and I recommend that everyone take a look at it if they like want something light-hearted.

The show is about Loid who is the best spy in the business who needs to go undercover so he has to pull a "We're the Millers" where he then adopts a child named Anya who is an Esper. Loid and Anya meet Yor (best waifu) who is the best assassin in the country and through a series of comedically over the top series of events they both agree to pretend to be married. Loid then has to deal with avoiding suspicion with his new family, complete his main mission whilst doing all of his agencies dirty work, a new brother in law who is an officer with the secret police (my personal favority), and a precognitive dog and you have a whole lot of fun.

We're the Forgers (if anyone asks)

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Loid Forger

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Yor Forger

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Anya Forger and Bond

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Yuri Brair

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Now let me start off with the immediate problem I have with the anime but more specifically the weeb community and that is the character of Anya. Anya is the most realistic children I have ever seen in fiction and this is an an anime and I would say 1 in a number that is less than 25 members of the weeb community is a pedophile. You don't have to even look to know it is occurring and widespread (I sure as fuck ain't touching any of that shit my nigga), you don't even have to think about what is occurring. Without any exaggerations I am sickened as to what is occurring and I cant wait to real life post when society collapses.

But all of that aside its a family friendly anime everyone will love so go ahead and give it a watch. The shows strength is definitely within the layers of deceit that then play into the characters interactions because Loid can't see the forest from the trees whilst being incredibly busy with the spying, Yor is just not smart enough to pick up anything suspicious and is too busy hiding her own profession, Anya is a kid and doesn't get what's going on other than its exciting and she's bored, Yuri is a moron, and bond is lazy.
I still can't tell if she's in the safest or most dangerous house.